Sunday, August 31, 2014

Uneasiness among Prestitutes

Sometimes I do read some handpicked "freelance" journalists. The likes of Shobha De, Swaminathan Aiyar, Vinod Mehta, Shekhar Gupta, Jug Surya etc. In a time when print and electronic media is being sidelined due to emergence of social media, it gives a glimpses of the heart burn and uneasiness these headless chickens are going through. More importantly, the foreign funded English media always get this brand of "freelancers" to spit and shit around their channel or paper or magazine. It is important to mention about their foreign connection. These freelance liberal left-wing journalists belong to a certain class. This class is advocate of liberty to a point where the society attains self-destructing mode and can either be broken into pieces or ready to be occupied by hard liners, Jihadis who don't give a damn to these fibrals.

In this era of social media, the conventional media seems to be trying hard to find its lost ground. Now a days, we just need the news, not the 24 hour interpretation of the news. The internet has made it extremely easy to find the history and source of information. The social media also self corrects itself unlike the tiny, unnoticeable "corrigendum" of conventional media. If there is a false propaganda by a certain group, there are "correctors" too who keep a close watch.

I was reading TOI dated August 31, 2014. Read 3 articles and 1 interview. Not to my surprise, all were either terrorized or traumatized. I could feel the heart beat of the journos in their articles. Lets decode these articles one by one.

Stop new Babri movement against church (Swaminatha Aiyar) - Let me ask a simple question first. What is the need of a wheelchair in a village when there are no handicap? Specially when the wheelchair is neither historical nor of any special kind? What is the need to keep a Bar open when there is no more Vinod Mehtas in a city? Mr. Aiyar, you can only be laughed at when you advocate to keep the Church without any christian. Isn't it a kind of OCD? You don't have any use of your old shoes but still you want to keep it. Yes Sir, these are your own liberal brand of argument which your class used for Ram Setu.

Your argument can be used to molest your own brain and logic. But my logical capabilities don't have that bad taste. I have another innovative idea. Let the Church be there. Lets put a writing on the wall of the Church. "Once upon a time, The seventh Day Adventists, Liberated 72 of us The Valmiks, but we remained Dalit. We the Dalits, got good Financial help but remained the Dalit. It was more of a social status that we wanted than the money. We never got the former. Anyway, thanks for your money. We better be Dalits in our own society than a foreign one. Jai Mother Marry"

Cheers for the creative insomniac, jeers for the control freak (Vinod Mehta) - A man writes less from mind and more from heart (Copyright). Now see the choice of words - Cheers, insomniac, jeers, control freak. If you just read the heading and not the article, in your imagination you will definitely think that Mr. Mehta wrote this after a "wet, shaky and hazy"  Newshour debate. He never choose "dry" words. He and his words are drunk alike.

Mr. Mehta, let me congratulate you first for being honest to some extent. I have heard that people don't lie after a peg or two. Anyway, thanks for accepting your prejudices against the PM. Mr. Mehta, you, like Shekhar Guptas are like those who enjoyed cozy relationship with politicians. Accept it or not, Mr. Modi has kept you guys guessing and confused. Your political assessment of 100s of Modiraj talks goody goody about him with a caution. You seem to be attempting to build a good relation with new "governance" with some guilt about your past. But Sir, internet, as said, is unforgiving. Cheers!!

Why Jaitley sounds like a thin-skinned film star (Shobha De) - A Women cries louder than 10 men (Copyright). This article brings the true inside revelation of the media houses to you. How heart broken, mind shattered they are. How dare you ignore us Mr. Modi. How dare you boycott us Mr. Jaitely? We are this we are that, we are 3rd pillar. Mam! take a chill pile (this is your own style, isn't it?). It is you, your kind of people being ignored. Not the media. Social media is alive, watchful. The news is being consumed more and in correct way. We no longer need the filthy news interpretations of yours.

I really feel pity on political understanding of yours. I really was laughing on your political ignorance. Mam, the the Rajnath Singh/Son episode buried the Atal/Advani/Joshi saga. Didn't you understand this smart politics of Modi? Sorry dear, you are so unfit for political interpretation yet you get a page to write. Amazing! Oh wait a minute, aren't you covering your face behind the "Politically Incorrect" Burkha? You know, I am terrible at drawing yet I judge paintings.

Love Jihad is insidious; the fear seeps into the home, the bedroom (Charu Gupta's Interview) -  What a sexually exploiting interview taken by Malini Nair. So Charu ji, all the Islamic outrage against Hindus should be seen individual incidents but all the individual incidents against Muslims are part of big Saffron Conspiracy. Right? oh sorry, Left?

There were 2 neighbors in a locality, N1 and N2. N2 used to come N1's house, open the fridge and have a sip of whiskey. But reverse was not true. When N1 visited N2's house, N2's fridge was locked. No outsider can open. N2's whiskey was meant only for the followers of Allah. On the other hand now N2 started even stealing from N1's fridge, sometimes forcibly too. N1 complained to authorities when N2 took N1's whiskey bottle and converted in some Arabian drink. There came a Charu Gupta. She objected to N1's attempts to protect his belongings. How a bottle can be yours?, she argued. This bottle has to be liberated. The cases of conversion of the bottle should be seen individually. See, N2 loves your bottles. Actually the bottle wants to be converted. N1, you are so out dated and patriarchical?

Mam, why there is so vocabularical blabbering then factual analysis in your interview?  Let the father be the father of family. You don't want people to interfere between 2 lovers so you too don't enter into a family matter. If you are really keen to liberate women, you are more than welcome to liberate those who live all their life in hiding (burkha) and denied a fair chance to be loved by a Hindu man. Fair enough?

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